Everything begins with a beautiful gem. Ideas grow and a design is drawn. Each jewel of Matignonne is unique. Designs are registered and you get the original drawing with your jewel. It can be worn by everybody, man, woman, other, young, old. All the colors of skins are beautiful, that's why we present you exceptional modern jewels, with many tones and overtones. If you dare to wear one of this Matignonne creations, you accept to wear the symbol of patience, a no gender luxury jewel that can be transmitted through the ages and continents. 

Those jewels are hand made, with patience, because it requires time to ask to the goldsmith, the engraver, the setter, the polisher what we really want. We use recycled gold. We are not afraid to choose an old exceptional gemstone that we recut or sustainable gems because we thing that recycling, humanity and nature are essential. A creation is unique, number 1/1.