January 27th 2023… 17h05, sunset in Manhattan.

The sun goes down revealing the last warm colors of a winter day. The atmosphere is quite and cozy… the shadow glides from the window to the wooden floor and follows the way to the table.

No need of the high line from Chelsea or the Valentino Pier… A cup of tea, a cup of coffee, comfy clothes and time… The time to look at this shadow magnifying two eagle heads on an onyx bangle, giving undefinable colors to a cloud pouring its gemstones rain, transforming a sustainable Tanzanian garnet in a red fire.

New York City is not only a crowdy place and a non-sleeping megalopolis. It’s also the place where people can decide to stop, to look, to appreciate moments like this one, to make the choice to be good for them and for the others, a moment of giving sense to what is important.

Beautiful things take time, respect nature and provide a good life to people. Re-using, re-cycling, exploring, creating, choosing what’s good, that’s what Matignonne is devoted to.


Matignonne is a new brand for no gender sustainable luxury jewels. Created by a French woman, living in Brussels, working in Canada, visiting family in the United States as well as on an island in the Coral Sea… The World is our home. Let’s take care of each other…